Outdoor Workshop
Wonderful 3 days. Rainy day, cloudy day, sunny day, totally different weather 3 days.
But hopefully everyone had a great time. It’s not so easy to organize this kind of workshop but So happy to see you all and your smile at spring mountain.
Thank you all for coming, and thanks to my team for hard work.
@milliototo @sshadowing thank you for beautiful photos.
希望大家都度過了美好的時光,籌備野外課程其實沒有這麼地容易,但是非常開心能與大家見面,尤其看見大家的笑容陶醉在春日山景之中。謝謝你/妳們每一位的參與,以及認真盡責的Salon team。
Wonderful 3 days. Rainy day, cloudy day, sunny day, totally different weather 3 days.
But hopefully everyone had a great time. It’s not so easy to organize this kind of workshop but So happy to see you all and your smile at spring mountain.
Thank you all for coming, and thanks to my team for hard work.
@milliototo @sshadowing thank you for beautiful photos.
希望大家都度過了美好的時光,籌備野外課程其實沒有這麼地容易,但是非常開心能與大家見面,尤其看見大家的笑容陶醉在春日山景之中。謝謝你/妳們每一位的參與,以及認真盡責的Salon team。